Sinner/Saints confession

We all have our little secrets - some of us have done things we're not too proud of, while others have moments of pure goodness that make us feel like saints. Well, guess what? You can share both with us!

At Eden, we believe in embracing the light and the dark sides of our nature. That's why we're introducing our new Sinners and Saints Confession posts! Here's how it works:

On Saturdays, you can anonymously share your Sinner Confession with us. Maybe you stole a cookie from the jar when no one was looking, or maybe you told a little white lie to get out of trouble. Whatever it is, we won't judge - we'll just share it on our Instagram page,, for the world to see (anonymously, of course).

Then, on Sundays, it's time for the Saints Confessions. Did you do something good for someone else recently? Maybe you helped a stranger with their groceries, or you gave a compliment that made someone's day. Share it with us anonymously, and we'll post it on our Instagram page for all to see.

So, whether you're feeling naughty or nice, come share your confessions with us! We promise to keep it anonymous and non-judgmental. Let's embrace the duality of our nature together!

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